Thursday, May 5, 2011

Raising the Age Old Foundations: Part 2

The path was narrow, little stone steps leading up to an ancient, King's storehouse that echoed centuries of royal heritage and rule. The windows were bathed in light and shadows with the Abbey as a picturesque, backdrop. Looking out of this tower, you could see the hustle and bustle of the next day's royal wedding event...London police, T.V. cameras and sightseers from around the world...
but inside this original structure were the three of us, three pilgrims, slightly holding our breath in anticipation of this moment.

Everything was ready, the songs, prayers, the oil, the ring. It was silent. It was beyond imagination. In whispered tones we began our service. We had the King's jewel chamber to ourselves, uninterrupted as if reserved for this time. With strengthening boldness, we proceeded to be obedient to the word from the Lord, "You are not spectators."
I had to wonder, though I had waited twelve years to declare this moment, how long had the Lord waited? Were there those who prayed in this tower from centuries prior asking for God to send someone to usher in the King of Kings over England? Were songs sung in hope of the Lord's return? Was this a repeated cycle or season of a time past when a ring was given or the altar anointed?

A thousand years of prayer has brought me here
Centuries of people cryin' out in God's ear
Now I'm flying over the ocean with my mustard seed and fears
A thousand years of prayer has brought me here
A thousand years of prayer has brought me here
Words and music: R. Holihan

With liturgy in hand, Dan, Olivia and I proceeded to declare the coming of the king and the dawn of the new prophetic. We each read prayers, read the commemorative sections and sang hymns that just happened to be sung on the following day at Westminster Abbey in celebration of the royal wedding of Prince William and The soon-to-be Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton.

Near five o'clock, On the 28th of April, the year of our Lord, Dan presented Olivia with a family ring...a ring of sapphire and diamonds.

Then, just as the Lord had said, I was to anoint the altar. I had no idea I would find an altar to anoint where Royal guards stood holding back crowds from entry points to the Abbey, but the Lord provided as He always does. It was an altar from the original beam, the foundation stone of Westminster.

How does one go about explaining such a moment? Will I ever really capture in photos and writing this experience? Probably not. I can say it has changed me forever. It must have been similar to how Luther felt pinning his thesis to the doorpost at Wittenberg. We are not spectators in this world... We are Bible characters. We can only imagine how our act of obedience has shifted something in the heavens and how our simple gesture will affect this country.
We came to England to usher in the King and announce the new prophetic over this land. It is the dawn of a new beginning...the crossover...the changing of the guards. Amen!

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